Charlotte Child Custody Lawyer

Are child custody cases only valid if the parents were married and now divorcing?


No, child custody cases may involve parents who were never married to begin with. In North Carolina, a “domestic relationship” is defined as one between two unmarried individuals who: (1) have held themselves out in public as being sexually intimate; or (2) have lived together continuously for at least six months prior to the filing of the action.


If you are an unmarried parent, a Charlotte child custody lawyer can help you establish parental rights with respect to the children and address such matters as time-sharing, parental responsibilities, and parenting plans. This includes filing a paternity lawsuit or any subsequent custody battle. A qualified attorney in North Carolina can also assist in obtaining appropriate child support and even collecting past due amounts.


If you have questions about your rights as an unmarried parent, contact a Charlotte child custody attorney to discuss the best course of action for you and your family. With experienced legal counsel, you can ensure that your parental rights are protected and that you obtain the best possible outcome for yourself and your children.


To go any further in a case, since this isn't legal guidance, contact Waple & Houk, PLLC a family law firm in Charlotte. They will then be able to handle your case and give you advice. You want their expertise in handling your case.

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